How our encounter with digital media shapes us

Somehow, it’s often our firsts which seem to last the longest in our memories. Perhaps it’s because they mark the moments in which we go off course–when we try something completely new and different that completely impacts our lives. Apart from their longevity in our minds, we are often driven by them too. Our need to experience something fresh that would spice up the mundanity of life is something that keeps us going. Fortunately for me and the entire Generation Z, we came around in the midst of a pivotal era. As we were growing up, the digital revolution waged on, and it paved the way towards many firsts in various industries, and in turn, our daily lives. The recent technological developments gave birth to what we call the digital media, among many other innovations, which contributed to our unique childhood experience. We were given a glimpse of the no

Because I’ve gotten so used to the existence of everything digital–television, computers, smartphones, even clocks–and practically rely on gadgets every single day, I never really got the chance to look back at how it all started. So one late evening, I grabbed the opportunity to do so with my good friend, Rosita Marcelo, through a video call, and I’ve found that her experiences are not much different from mine.

My video call session with Ros.

I believe that for most of us, Generation Z’s, our very first encounter with digital media happened when we were just little girls and boys. This holds true for Ros, who used the computer for the very first time when she visited her dad’s office at the age of 7. She recalled how she felt amazed and curious at the time, and how the feeling was similar to seeing a new doll at the toy store. She badly wanted to try those Y8 games that always came up in her friends’ conversations, and the moment she did, she was “absolutely hooked.”

As children, unsurprisingly, our first bouts of engagement with digital media were mostly latched to entertainment. The internet served as a virtual playground for us which we can easily access at home. However, in our coming of age, how we see or value digital media in our lives also changed. As Ros grew a little bit older, logging onto social media became her new favorite online activity. “YouTube? Daily; Twitter? Every hour; Facebook? Not my cup of tea but yes!” she playfully told me. Being friendly is definitely one of her most apparent and admirable personality traits, so it came as no surprise to me when she explained that she loves interacting with her friends on these sites. The internet eventually became a platform through which she can socialize. Apart from this, she also mentioned that digital media became an educational tool for her, for it helped her in acquiring new skills and knowledge which she can apply in her daily life.

“I was always insecure growing up, but since digital media bridged the gap between my friends and I, as well as videos and posters about self-confidence and loving yourself, I was able to gain the former and perform the latter,” said Ros.

A shot I took of Ros in DLSU.

While her first encounter with digital media was generally positive, she regards its impact on our generation and society as a whole, bittersweet. She explained that although these innovations have provided an avenue for people to connect with one another regardless of distance, it may have also pushed us farther away from one another due to our tendency to be engrossed in the virtual world, thereby neglecting the physical world.

True to her nature, though, she still chose to highlight the self-enriching aspect of digital media in our conversation. Ros appreciates how it had brought about so many new experiences and opportunities for her peers, family, and everyone else.

“I know so many people who have started their own online business to earn, as well as others who are taking the time to learn new skills. It’s helping a lot of us reach our futures faster than we’ve ever thought,” she explained.

This aspect of digital media, for her, has helped our society progress faster. Undoubtedly, digital media has effectively impacted our lives, both on a personal and a collective scale. The power that the platform possesses lies mainly on the content that it houses, which the audience consumes, and how fast it can be circulated all around the world. It is, therefore, important to keep in mind that we must not use it to control nor should we allow it to control us. Ros shares the same sentiment and imparts the message below as a reminder to the public with regards to how they interact with digital media.

From this point forward, there will only be more firsts to come, especially with digital media, and it will further contribute in the shaping and reshaping our lives. And as we venture into these new places, we must be ready to adapt and remold ourselves along the way.

Special thanks to Rosita Marcelo.

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